Friday, March 28, 2008

Barack Obama inspires me to be an American citizen

I am Brazilian and I came to the USA a few years ago to pursue the American dream.

The beginning of my life here in the USA was very tough. Since I did not speak English well, I could never work in my field (I am a Business Administrator, Artist and Art's teacher)and by the way I speak Portuguese.

I was forced to learn Spanish quickly and work in jobs beneath my educational level. But it was a great experience. It made me strong and made me rethink humility.

I am very curious and I like to know a little about everything. I believe I will never stop looking for knowledge, especially self-knowledge.

Like all human beings, I still have many dreams in my life
(I will only stop dreaming when I die) and one of my dreams is to see the USA grow as a model for the others Countries, not by force, but as an example of respect for the people’s believes, and freedom for all.

I was very disappointed to see how the Bush Administration conducted their world politics, and surprised to see this great and intelligent nation believe every lie and old tricks others used before, to get the USA in to wars, and they use the media to cover up issues they do not want the American public to see or hear.

I use to think the media was the tool to speak up for the people and control the wrong doings of government, but now I know the media is controlled by lobbyists, with few exception, and I am thanks God for the Internet, to let us to spread de truth around the world.

I decided, after listening Barack Obama, to be part of his dream to make changes; to put the USA on the right tracks. And I applied to be a citizen of the USA, to be able to register my vote,and to work together with all good citizens of this nation that I love, to see ours dreams come true. I just hope to be ready to do it. And if I can not vote for Barack Obama, I will continue to support him in the many ways I can.

God bless America!